Who Is Archangel Zadkiel? Understanding the Angel of Forgiveness

Archangel Zadkiel is one of the seven archangels of antiquity in Judeo-Christian and Islamic traditions. His name means “Righteousness of God” and he is known as the “Angel of Mercy” for his role in fostering compassion, benevolence, and forgiveness. As one of the leading archangels, Zadkiel is said to stand in the presence of God and carry out divine will. He oversees the choir of angels known as the Dominions and his celestial color is violet.

Zadkiel is often invoked by those seeking spiritual growth and purification. He helps guide people towards enlightenment and divine wisdom. His energies provide comfort, solace, and mercy, making him an archangel of transformation and freedom from negative emotions and energies. Zadkiel assists those who call upon him with forgiveness, upliftment, and releasing karma, sins, and guilt. He brings hope and optimism to situations and people in need. As an archangel of mercy, Zadkiel epitomizes divine grace, compassion, and healing. His loving presence provides comfort and emotional healing to all who open their hearts to him.

Zadkiel’s Origins and History

Archangel Zadkiel

According to biblical and other religious texts, Zadkiel is identified as an archangel, or high-ranking angel. His name means “Righteousness of God”.

Some scholars believe Zadkiel originated in biblical texts. He is sometimes considered the angel who prevented Abraham from sacrificing his son Isaac in the Hebrew Bible. Zadkiel is also occasionally identified as the angel who held back Abraham’s arm and provided a ram to sacrifice instead of Isaac.

However, Zadkiel is more prominently known from extra-biblical Jewish mystical texts and traditions like the Book of Enoch. In these texts, he is listed as one of the seven archangels who stand before the throne of God.

Zadkiel is also considered an angel in other faiths outside of Judaism. In Islamic tradition, he is known as Jadhiel or Zedekiel and is entrusted with transmitting mercy from God to creation. In Zoroastrianism, Zadkiel appears under the name Zadkeil or Zdkil.

So while Zadkiel’s origins are rooted in biblical and Hebraic mystical texts, his veneration expanded to other major religions over time. He is now a prominent archangel in Christianity, Islam, and Zoroastrianism.

Zadkiel’s Divine Duties and Responsibilities

As an archangel, Zadkiel is tasked with a number of important spiritual duties and areas of responsibility. He is known as the “Angel of Mercy” and the “Angel of Freedom” because he oversees blessings, mercy, and freedom.

Specifically, Zadkiel is said to watch over those who ask for forgiveness and compassion. He helps guide people towards finding inner peace, forgiveness, and letting go of negative emotions like resentment. Those who pray to Zadkiel for his aid can count on his merciful and loving energy to comfort them and set them free from anger or bitterness.

In his role overseeing mercy, Zadkiel is also believed to assist people in forgiving themselves for past mistakes and transgressions. His energy gently helps people accept themselves and move forward into a brighter future full of joy.

As the Angel of Freedom, Zadkiel is invoked against oppression and imprisonment. He helps liberate people from toxic or abusive situations and relationships. Zadkiel guides people towards realizing their own inner power, independence, and self-worth.

Zadkiel is also known as the “Angel of Protection.” He is often prayed to for shielding against all forms of harm, evil, and ill will. Zadkiel provides comfort and reassurance during times of misfortune or danger.

Overall, Zadkiel is a benevolent and caring archangel who oversees the spiritual forces of forgiveness, freedom, and divine grace. He brings great peace, compassion, and relief to those who seek his help.

Zadkiel’s Appearance and Symbols

Archangel Zadkiel in the Bible

Zadkiel is often depicted as a tall, muscular figure with tan skin, purple eyes, and light brown hair. In his feminine form, Zadkiel has long flowing hair past his shoulders. He is usually shown wearing violet and purple robes to represent his connection to the Violet Flame.

Some key symbols and imagery associated with Archangel Zadkiel include:

  • The Violet Flame – This spiritual fire represents Zadkiel’s transformative energy and ability to burn away negative energy and purify souls. The violet color symbolizes spirituality, purification, and alchemy.

  • Amethyst – As the 7th archangel, Zadkiel is connected to the 7th chakra, the crown chakra. Amethyst is the stone associated with the crown chakra and psychic abilities, so it is linked to Zadkiel.

  • Dagger or Sword – Zadkiel is sometimes depicted holding a small dagger or weapon, representing his ability to cut through darkness and negativity. The weapon demonstrates his fighting stance against evil.

  • Wings – Like all archangels, Zadkiel is shown with large, impressive wings which symbolize his divine nature and ability to soar between realms as a messenger. His wings may be white, violet, or multicolored.

  • Angelic Halo – Halos are common in depictions of Zadkiel, signifying his holy status. The halo reflects his closeness to God and existence in the spiritual realm.

Zadkiel’s Spiritual Wisdom and Teachings

Archangel Zadkiel is known as the “Angel of Mercy” and his teachings center around forgiveness, compassion, and spiritual growth. According to spiritual texts, Zadkiel imparts wisdom about the transformative power of letting go of negative emotions like resentment, bitterness, and vengeance.

The main spiritual message Zadkiel conveys is that holding onto hurt, anger, and grudges harms oneself more than others. He teaches that the path to inner peace and happiness lies in cultivating qualities like empathy, understanding, and mercy. Zadkiel urges us to reflect deeply on our own shortcomings and need for forgiveness before judging others.

Practicing forgiveness does not mean condoning harmful actions. Rather, Zadkiel explains that when we release negative emotions towards others through forgiveness, we free ourselves from the pain they have caused us. Forgiveness is as much for our own healing and growth as it is for the other person. Zadkiel stresses the importance of acknowledging our shared humanity and capacity for change when relating to those who have hurt us.

Meditating on Zadkiel’s message opens our hearts to give and receive more mercy, both towards ourselves and others. By following the angel’s teachings, we can break free of resentment and experience the inner peace that comes from letting go. Zadkiel urges us to reflect on how practicing his wisdom can positively transform our lives.

Invoking Zadkiel’s Aid and Guidance

Archangel Zadkiel is known as the “Angel of Mercy” and many believe he can provide blessings, healing, and spiritual growth. People often call upon Zadkiel when they are seeking forgiveness, compassion, or emotional healing. His energies are associated with releasing negative emotions like resentment, anger, and bitterness.

Some of the main ways to invoke Zadkiel’s aid and guidance are through prayer, meditation, visualization, and calling upon his name. Many prayers ask for his divine light to fill one’s heart and mind to promote forgiveness, mercy, and freedom from destructive emotions. For example:

“Blessed Zadkiel, Angel of Mercy, please fill my heart with your violet flame of forgiveness and compassion. Help me let go of resentment and anger, so that I may be free of pain and suffering. Surround me with your loving energy so that I may forgive others and myself. Thank you for your divine blessing and grace.”

In meditation, people often visualize Zadkiel surrounded by violet light. His energy resonates at the violet, or 7th chakra, associated with spirituality and purification. Calling on Zadkiel in meditation can bring a sense of upliftment, clarity, and emotional healing.

Zadkiel is also associated with the sacral chakra and divine creativity. Artists, writers, and other creatives sometimes invoke him at the start of a project, asking for his blessing and inspiration. Overall, Zadkiel provides comfort, mercy and emotional healing for those who call upon his aid with a pure heart.

Important Stories and Legends about Zadkiel

Image of the Archangel Zadkiel

Archangel Zadkiel is associated with several notable stories and legends in biblical and extra-biblical texts. He is sometimes identified as the angel who stopped Abraham from sacrificing his son Isaac in the Hebrew Bible. In the Book of Enoch, Zadkiel is listed as one of the angels who descended to earth to copulate with human women, leading to the birth of the Nephilim.

In some traditions, Zadkiel is said to have been sent by God to encourage Cain to repent after Cain murdered his brother Abel. When Cain refused to repent, Zadkiel volunteered to accept some of Cain’s punishment on himself, which is why he is associated with forgiveness and mercy.

Zadkiel is also sometimes identified as the angel who held back Abraham’s arm and provided the ram to sacrifice instead of Isaac. He is considered the angel who stops people from committing sins they will later regret.

Zadkiel in Modern Spirituality and Culture

Zadkiel is viewed by many today as an archangel of compassion, forgiveness, freedom, and mercy. He has a dedicated following among modern spiritualists and metaphysicians who invoke his guidance for issues related to these themes.

Some believe Zadkiel can assist in releasing negative emotions like resentment, bitterness, and hatred, allowing one to experience emotional healing and spiritual growth. His energy is called upon to dissolve painful memories, transform anger into forgiveness, and liberate oneself from destructive patterns or addictions.

Zadkiel is associated with the seventh chakra at the crown of the head. Opening this chakra is said to enable divine wisdom, unconditional compassion, and transcendent consciousness. Working with Zadkiel can facilitate this process.

The archangel is also looked to for restoring hope after loss or heartbreak. He brings light to darkness and inspiration when one feels dejected. His violet flame is thought to transmute negative energy into positive, uplifting emotions.

Some modern mystics and lightworkers channel Zadkiel for his insights on mercy, freedom, and spiritual enlightenment. He is believed to offer gentle guidance to those seeking his high-vibrational energy. Though not as widely venerated today as Michael or Gabriel, Zadkiel has a dedicated following among contemporary spiritual circles.

Comparison to Other Angels/Archangels

Archangel Zadkiel is one of the seven archangels of the Catholic church and occupies an important place in the angelic hierarchy. However, Zadkiel is considered less well known compared to archangels like Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and Uriel who are mentioned in religious texts.

Michael is probably the most famous archangel and is known as the commander of the heavenly host who led the battle against Satan. He is associated with protection, courage, strength and the color blue. Gabriel is known as the angel of revelation and announced important news like the births of John the Baptist and Jesus Christ. His color is white and he carries a lily.

Raphael is known as the healing archangel and helped heal Tobit’s blindness in the Book of Tobit. He is associated with the color green and carries a staff. Uriel is associated with wisdom, illumination and the color orange or red. He holds a flaming sword.

While less famous than the other archangels, Zadkiel has an important role as the angel of mercy, freedom, benevolence and the violet flame of forgiveness and spiritual alchemy. He assists people in forgiveness and releasing negative emotions like anger and resentment. His soothing energy brings comfort, compassion and spiritual healing.


Archangel Zadkiel is one of the seven archangels of God. He is known as the “angel of mercy” and his divine duty is to facilitate forgiveness and freedom from judgment. Zadkiel’s name means “righteousness of God” and he is associated with the violet flame of transmutation and alchemy.

Zadkiel is believed to be the archangel who stopped Abraham from sacrificing his son Isaac, replacing Isaac with a ram caught in a thicket. This demonstrated God’s mercy. Zadkiel is also sometimes identified as the angel who appeared to Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane to strengthen him before his crucifixion.

As the angel of mercy, Zadkiel helps humans let go of negative emotions like resentment, bitterness, and judgment. He encourages compassion, tolerance, and forgiveness. Those who call on Zadkiel for aid can transform lower energies and find emotional healing. His violet flame is believed to have transformative power to dissolve negativity and purify the soul.

Zadkiel is an important archangel in many faiths. He exemplifies divine forgiveness and helps humans overcome judgment to find mercy. For these reasons, Zadkiel holds great significance as a compassionate guide and protector for those seeking emotional healing and spiritual growth.

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Daniel Powell

In my twenties, I began to approach the Bible with fresh eyes. I was no longer content to simply accept what I was told. I wanted to dive deeper, to question, and to understand. My faith demanded it.

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